Children will expand their learning beyond the classroom. We are here to provide your child with a safe, caring environment full of fun and learning! Learning doesn’t stop after the school day ends. The Y provides the academic support needed to help students achieve their full potential. Each day is filled with educational activities that also incorporate health education, games, team building, homework support, and leadership training.
Register Today!
For More Information
For more information, please contact Youth & Family Director, Taylor Pope Brake at 252.972.9622 x.239 or tbrake@rmymca.org
Before & After School Program Information
All Out of School Care program participants will participate in “Homework Time,” Monday through Friday. The expectation for students is to have a respectful and quiet environment so that all students can be successful in completing their homework. Because we are committing our staff to support homework time, all students are expected to take part. Students who may not have regular homework or in cases where parents prefer assignments to be completed at home encourage the utilization of that quiet time for reading. While we do our best to monitor for completion, it is encouraged that parents review their child’s homework and check for accuracy.
Our meals and snacks that are served comply with the Meal Patterns for Children in Child Care Programs from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), to ensure nutritious snacks/meals. We encourage this time to be kept pleasant with conversation encouraged along with eating. No child will be forced to eat, nor denied food as a form of punishment. To stay in compliance with state regulations, if your child brings their own snack/meal please keep in mind the following:
- Beverages must be 2% white milk
- 6 ounces of 100% real juice or plain water
- No soda, flavored water, or sugared drink is allowed.
- Fast food, chips of any sort, or snack with 8 grams of sugar or more per serving is not allowed.
- Meal menus for snacks are posted in the childcare facility and at all school site locations.
- Water bottle (labeled)
- Closed-toed shoes
- Swim Wear on their assigned swim days
In consideration of the health and safety of our staff and participants we are asking that you leave the following at home:
- Any personal toys including but not limited to stuffed animals, action figures, playing cards, etc.
- If you bring a water bottle, make sure there is a clear, visible name tag with your child’s first and last name.
- **The Y is not responsible for any personal property.
• $10 late fee applies after the 5th of the month.
• All rates are per child.
• Our days of operation is reflective of the NCPS Calendar.
• All Teacher Workdays and Holidays will be billed separately at the School Break Camp rate, only if the child is not enrolled and paid for the current month.
• There will be no refunds for snow/weather days.
• There is a $25 enrollment fee for all before & after school care. Enrollment fees are annual, mandatory, non-transferable, and non-refundable. 15% of the monthly program fee will also be non-refundable should the participant cancel the registration.
• Full-time Nash County Public School teachers must show school ID to get teacher rate (10% off).
Before and After School Program Fees
After School at the YMCA
$280/Month ($310/Month for RM Prep)
Includes Mondays - Fridays
Includes Transportation from the school sites to the Y
Includes provided Out of School Care Days
After School at the School Locations
Includes Mondays - Fridays
Before School at the Schools
Includes Mondays - Fridays from 6:30-School Bell
Only provided at certain schools and not at the Y
Before and After School at the Schools
Includes Before and After School at the school site only
- Payments are due on the 1st of every month, if payment is not made by the 5th of the month, a $10 late fee will be applied. If payment is not made by the 10th of the month your child will be removed from the program and future registrations canceled until payment is made.
- If your payment (check, credit card, or automatic draft) is not honored by your bank, you are still responsible for the payment plus a $10 NSF service fee. This is in addition to any service fee that may be charged to you by your bank.
- It is the YMCA’s policy that written notice be given two weeks in advance of your child’s withdrawal from the program to avoid being charged for the following session.
- Any outstanding balance must be paid at the time of withdrawal.
- No partial month refunds will be given.
- The YMCA reserves the right to dismiss a child from the program upon notifying the parent. Refunds or credits will not be issued for dismissal from the program due to behavior.
- Receipts are available after making a payment and should be kept for records.
- Harrison Family YMCA childcare payments may be a tax deduction. Statements will be sent out after the first of each year to the address on file.
- The Y’s Federal Tax ID number is 56-0543251.
- If your child is picked up after our latest pick up time of 6:00 pm at any site location the following fee will be applied to your account:
- $5.00 late pickup fee after 6:05 pm
- $1.00 per minute additional charged for every minute after 6:05 pm
*No payments will be accepted by Childcare Staff at the School Sites
- Automatic draft is the preferred method of payment. Your payment will be drafted from your account on the 1st of every month. Drafting is available through EFT or major credit cards.
- Payment in full is due on the due date regardless of absenteeism, holidays, or weather-related closings.
Financial Assistance
Financial Assistance is available to those who apply and qualify. Annual Campaign Funds are raised by the Y each year to help provide this benefit to the community. The Y recognizes that some individuals and families struggle to pay the rent, put food on the table and buy clothes for their kids due to unforeseen circumstances. They need financial assistance to come to the Y, to stay healthy, to be active and to thrive in life. Through the annual campaign, we make sure that our doors are open to all. Donor support helps thousands of youth and families live healthier and happier lives. They do better in school. They manage their illnesses. And kids get a good square meal!
If you feel that you are in need of assistance to become a Y member or program participant, please ask for a financial assistance form at the front desk. You may also download and print from this page. For more information, contact dzastenchik@rmymca.org
How to Register
Registration is Online ONLY :
- Online through our registration portal by clicking here or the purple bubble at the top of this webpage
- Complete the registration form.
- Send in your child’s immunization record and color photo via email to tbrake@rmymca.org
- Pay $25 registration fee
- Registrations will not be considered complete and your spot will not be held if we have not received your child’s immunization record.
- Registrations will not be considered completed and your spot will not be held if we have not received your $25 registration fee.
- If you find that registrations are full for certain age groups, please e-mail tbrake@rmymca.org to be placed on a waitlist.
Check-In Procedures
- Between the hours of 6:30-8:30 a.m. all children should be dropped off at our check-in station, located on the side of the building. Severe weather may affect the pickup process. In cases of driving rain and/or lightning, staff will keep children sheltered until conditions improve. This may slow down the pickup process, requiring drivers to wait. The safety of YMCA children and staff is our first priority.
- No need to exit your car, simply pull into the drop off line and our staff will help your child out of the car.
- Parents/Guardians should only park and walk up if they need to speak with the Director.
- After 8:30 a.m. please call into the YMCA to be checked in at 252-972-9622 ext. 239.
- Reminder the latest check-in time is 9:30 am.
At check-in our staff (who will be required to wear a mask if they are conducting check-in/out) will be completing the following as a Daily Health Check as recommended by the CDC and State partners:
- Temperature will be taken. (Thermometers cleaned between each use)
- The following questions will be asked each day:
- Have you been in close contact (defined by the CDC as being within 6 feet of someone for 10 minutes or more) with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19?
- Has anyone in your household had symptoms of respiratory illness (fever, cough, shortness of breath)?
- Have you experienced a fever, cough, or shortness of breath in the past week?
- Below is the standard exclusion criteria for our program during COVID-19:
- Children with a temperature greater than 100.4 will be sent home until they have had no fever for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
- Anyone who has been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 will be asked to remain home for 14 days after their last contact with a COVID-19 patient.
- If someone in your household has symptoms of respiratory illness, they will be asked to remain home until at least 14 days after symptom onset and 72 hours after symptom resolution.
Rides-Out Procedures
*The below procedures are for the YMCA location only. For school site locations, specific rides in and out procedures will be sent out.
- Between the hours of 4:30-6:00 PM, we will conduct our ride-out prodcedure. When you arrive, you will park in the designated childcare spots and proceed to check your child out at the childcare door. Staff will not be responsible for buckling children into car seats or the car, if your child needs assistance you can pull around to a parking spot.
- Please make sure that you have your Photo ID or “Pick Up Tag” provided by the YMCA in order for us to release your child to you we will need to see those items.
- If you need to add someone to your pick-up list please call the Youth and Family Director before 4:00 PM.
- If you need to pick up before 4:30 PM please call our Youth and Family Office at 252-972-9622 ext. 241.
Severe weather may affect the pickup process. In cases of driving rain and/or lightning, staff will keep children sheltered until conditions improve. This may slow down the pickup process, requiring drivers to wait. The safety of YMCA children and staff is our first priority.