Why offer a Corporate Health Program?
Healthy, happy people are good employees. A well-rounded benefits package, one that includes a Y membership, is attractive to current and potential employees. An estimated 25-30% of companies' medical costs/year were spent on employees with excess, often preventable, health risk. Other benefits that companies see include:
- Increased Productivity
- Employee Stress Relief
- Better Time Management
- Improved Memory Retention
- Decreased Employee Absenteeism
YMCA Plans
The Harrison Family YMCA offers an employee wellness program with two levels. We hope that one of these levels will be perfect for your company. Each level requires a minimum of only 10 new YMCA memberships.
Participating in a Corporate Membership Plan will also give you advertising benefits. With over 8,000 members coming in and out of our facility and looking at our website, you will be sure to showcase the benefits of your business. We will list you and your logo with a link to your website as a Community Partner on our website and digital signage throughout the facility. We will also invite you to our various events throughout the year as a vendor.
Level 1
Your employees will receive 100% off the joining fee at any time, for any membership category (excluding youth & teen). Your company doesn’t pay anything.
Level 2
We will waive 100% of the joining fee at any time, for any membership category (excluding youth & teen). Your company doesn’t pay anything towards the joining fee. However, your company pays a portion of each employee’s monthly membership fee ($3/month minimum).
For more information, please contact Shanna Etheridge, Member Experience Director, at 252-972-9622 x. 258 or setheridge@rmymca.org.